image of a CSC case-manager taking phone call for ADF medical transition

Medical transition

We’re here to support you through this time of considerable change, to ensure it is as smooth as possible. 

Member guide
The four-step process starts with assigning you a dedicated Case Manager, to personally guide you along the way.
  1. Notification of medical transition

    When you are being medically transitioned from the ADF, CSC is notified and we assign you a dedicated Case Manager. They will contact you with general information, provide you with an Invalidity Benefit estimate and arrange a longer consultation meeting.

    Some people transition without going through a medical transition process. If this applies to you, read about Retrospective Invalidity.

  2. Meeting your Case Manager for a consultation

    This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide information to support your claim—this could include medical information, employment history and qualifications. Your Case Manager will talk you through the classification process and answer your questions.

    They may also invite you to work through your Invalidity Benefit options and elections during your consultation.

  3. Drafting your classification decision

    When your Case Manager is ready to make an assessment, they will draft a classification decision and contact you to discuss the outcome. We rely on documentation from the ADF to make our assessment, however, you can provide further information before the decision is finalised.

  4. Finalising your decision

    Once your classification decision has been completed, we will send your final Decision Notice and be in touch with you on next steps. If you disagree with the final outcome you may appeal the decision.

Understanding everyone's role 

CSC may provide superannuation Invalidity Benefit payments if you are unable to undertake civilian employment after serving in the ADF.

CSC is responsible for determining if an Invalidity Benefit is payable following your transition date from the ADF. This is decided through a classification process where your medical impairment is classified as Class A, B or C. Members classified as a Class A or B will receive an Invalidity Benefit payment.

The four-step process starts with assigning you a dedicated Case Manager, to personally guide you along the way. They will:

  • Be your primary point of contact.
  • Walk you through the claim process, step-by-step.
  • Work with you to get a thorough understanding of your circumstances.
  • Assist you to understand the outcome of your classification. 

If you are medically transitioning from the ADF, we will reach out to you to get your claim started. If you’re applying for Retrospective Invalidity, or have further questions about the Medical Transition process and would like to get in touch, email or call 02 6192 9530.

If you are medically transitioning, the ADF provides us with the following information:

  • notification that you are being medically transitioned;
  • your DM042 from your Transition Health Examination; and
  • with your consent, information about your medical and service history.

The ADF have previously assisted members with CSC application requirements. We have updated our processes and no longer require you to complete an application form. Instead, we will contact you directly once the ADF notifies us of your upcoming medical transition. 

Both CSC and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) have an important role to play.

CSC may provide superannuation Invalidity Benefit payments if you are unable to undertake civilian employment after serving in the ADF, whereas DVA may provide compensation for service related conditions (injury or disease) causing incapacity in the form of incapacity payments.

DVA incapacity payments are offset (reduced) by Invalidity Benefit payments you receive from CSC. See here for more information on DVA incapacity payments.

You are welcome to engage a support person such as a family member to assist you with the CSC classification process. You do not however need to pay a support person to represent you in the CSC classification process.

CSC offers dedicated Case Managers free of charge to guide you through the process. Our engagement includes an early phone call to provide you with information on the process and a one-on-one consultation to source information. There are no complex application forms­—our Case Managers will do the majority of the work for you to make this process as easy and stress-free as possible.

If you choose to appoint a support person to represent you:

  • you may still be required to complete an application form if we can’t meet with you directly; and
  • there may be circumstances where we need to speak with you instead of your representative, or obtain further information from you regarding your case.
  • we will also continue to provide you with scheme updates and general communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Invalidity Classification process involve?

In order to determine your classification, we consider your medical impairments and the degree to which they restrict your ability to undertake the civilian employment that a person with those same qualifications could undertake.

To enable us to make an assessment we may, with your consent, source information from the ADF and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). We will also consider any information you wish to provide. All the information we collect and hold will be in accordance with our privacy policy

Download consent form  More information about classification

What are the impairment classes?

Class A

Generally, Class A means that you are severely impacted by your impairments and would be largely restricted working within relevant civilian employment due to the nature of your impairment/s.

Class B

Class B means you have the capacity for some relevant civilian work at the time of your transition, but suffer moderate incapacity.

Class C

Class C means that you have been deemed as not fit for ADF duty, but have the capacity to work within your relevant civilian employment with minimal restriction. 

Will I receive an Invalidity Benefit?

There are three classificationsA, B and C. If you are classified as Class A or Class B, you will receive an Invalidity Benefit after your transition date. If you are classified as Class C you will not receive an Invalidity Benefit.

Member guide to ADF medical transition

What is Retrospective Invalidity?

If you have not transitioned medically and wish to be considered for Invalidity Benefits retrospectively, your eligibility will be determined through a two-step process:

  • we will make a determination around whether grounds exist that you could have medically transitioned at the time of your departure from the ADF; and
  • if we are satisfied these grounds exist, we will determine the impact on your ability to work in roles you are qualified for at the time of your transition following the usual assessment described above.

Retrospective Invalidity

Can I request a reconsideration of my classification?

If you disagree with our decision, you can ask us to reconsider. To lodge an appeal, complete an Application for Reconsideration of Decision and submit it to CSC within 30 days of receiving your classification determination.

The appeals process Application for Reconsideration of Decision form

What happens if my circumstances change following classification?

If your circumstances change following an Invalidity Classification, you may wish to request a review of the classification. Changes that could impact your classification include:

  • new skills or qualifications;
  • a change of career; and/or
  • your medical condition improves or worsens.

Reviews are only possible for members whose initial classification is a Class A or Class B. CSC can also initiate a review.

For ADF Cover members with an initial classification of Class A or Class B, a review is mandatory between 1236 months post-transition.

Reviews and reclassification

What other resources does CSC provide?

For educational videos, information about seminars and webinars, or to book a superannuation education consultation, visit our Member Education page.

For personal financial advice or recommendations, you can book an appointment with one of our licensed Financial Planners.

For more information access our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) documents.

What about the DM042?

The DM042 is completed at your Transition Health Examination (THE) by a medical officer and is used by CSC as part of the Invalidity Classification process. It is important that you book your THE as soon as possible so we have your DM042 early in the process. Your THE can be booked 3—6 months before your transition date by contacting your local Garrison Health Centre.

I am supporting a member. What do I need to do?

You may be visiting this page as a support person—perhaps you are a family member, financial counsellor or representative from a not-for-profit organisation, such as an advocate, who is supporting a member through this process.

If you are helping the member to engage with CSC, some things to keep in mind are:

  • You’ve already taken an important step by visiting this page—we encourage you to familiarise yourself with its content as much as possible.
  • While attending meetings in a support role, it is important to remember we are mainly engaging with the member in this process.
  • There may be circumstances where we need to speak directly with a member, or obtain further information from them regarding their case. We will also continue to provide them with scheme updates and general communication.

If you are representing a member in their dealings with CSC please provide us with one of the following so we understand the terms of your engagement:

If the member you are representing has lost legal capacity, you should contact us to discuss.

Do I need to complete an application form?

CSC is phasing out application forms for Invalidity Classification claims. Instead, you will be offered a one-on-one consultation with a dedicated Case Manager to source the information needed directly from you. If you have already completed an application form you can still submit it and a Case Manager will contact you with any further information required.

An application form may be required if you choose to appoint a representative to act on your behalf. We will let you or your representative know once we understand the terms of their engagement.

Find out more in our member guide

We're here to guide you

Product Disclosure Statement

Product Disclosure Statement

This document provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in ADF Super.

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