Australian Defence Force Superannuation

About ADF Super

Last updated: 24 Sep 2024
  • ADF Super is a superannuation accumulation plan designed just for current and former members of the Australian Defence Force.

  • It’s flexible and can be tailored to individual needs, like investment options, to suit different circumstances through life.

  • If the member leaves the military to take up another job, they will be able to keep to their ADF Super account, as long as they have at least 12 months’ continuous service.

Family exercising at home

How it works

  • As a member of the Australian Defence Force, members receive 16.4% of their super salary into their ADF Super account, and they can add extra money in additional contributions.
  • Contributions are invested, so the value of super depends on the amount of those contributions and the net returns from their investment over time, minus fees and costs.
  • Super is generally withdrawn when the member is ready to leave the workforce. In some cases, the member may be able to access their super or a portion of it earlier.

ADF Cover and lifePLUS Protect

The nature of ADF service often makes it hard for customers to obtain Death and Invalidity cover at a reasonable cost. We make it easy—when they’re serving and when they’re out.

ADF Cover—when serving

ADF Cover provides eligible ADF personnel with Death and Invalidity benefits at no extra cost. And if there’s a successful claim for Death or Invalidity benefits, these are paid on top of super benefits.

Learn more about ADF Cover—when serving

lifePLUS Protect—after service

Your client may be eligible for automatic cover, the day after they leave service.

With lifePLUS Protect auto, members get Death and insurance cover without filling in forms or taking medical tests. And if they’re not eligible, or they want to change their auto cover or add Income Protection, they can do this through lifePLUS Protect choice. 

Learn more about lifePLUS Protect—after service

Download more information

ADF Super MySuper Balanced Investment option

This document serves as a comprehensive investment profile resource for Advisers, providing all the essential information about ADF Super MySuper Balanced, including performance, fees, and .

ADF Super Aggressive Investment option

This document serves as a comprehensive investment profile resource for Advisers, providing all the essential information about ADF Aggressive Investment option, including performance, fees and asset allocation.

Product Disclosure Statement

This document provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in ADF Super.

Investment options and risk

This document outlines the investment options available to ADF Super members. It forms part of the ADF Super Product Disclosure statement.

Your ADF Super fees and costs

This document outlines the fees and costs that you may be charged. It forms part of the ADF Super Product Disclosure statement.

Insurance and your ADF Super

This document outlines the ADF Super insurance options, including who is eligible, how to change cover or opt out, how much cover costs, and the conditions and exclusions that apply. It forms part of the ADF Super .

Tax and your ADF Super

This document outlines how tax can impact on a member's ADF Super account. It forms part of the ADF Super Product Disclosure statement.

Address: ADF Super, Locked Bag 20116, Melbourne, VIC 3001

Business hours: 8:30 am to 6 pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday

Phone: 1300 203 439 (+61 2 4209 5401)

Fax: 1300 204 314 (+61 2 4277 1083)


Contact ADF Cover

Address: ADF Cover, GPO Box 2252, Canberra ACT 2601

Business hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday

Phone: 1300 001 977 (+61 2 6214 4902

Fax: (02) 6275 7010 (+61 2 6275 7010)


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