Claim your benefit
If it's time to claim your defined benefit, we're here to guide you through it.
Review accessing your benefit
How you withdraw your super will depend on your age and employment status. Compare the different payment conditions or tax implications to know the right option for your situation.
Estimate your benefit
Your estimate will help you to understand the options available to you and guide you in making a decision about claiming your benefit.
Claim your benefit
You are here
When you contact us to request a benefit estimate, we'll send you everything you need to do to make a claim. Alternatively, you can access your fund-specific information below.
How to claim
To claim your CSS benefit, complete a benefit application. The forms contain eligibility requirements and instructions.
Claiming 54/11 (Deferred Benefit)
Your individual circumstances will determine whether the 54/11 (deferred) option is right for you. Since the benefit calculations are different if you choose to defer, request Benefit Estimates for both scenarios well in advance of your 55th birthday and within 12 months of claiming.
Payment information
- Payment can only be made to a bank account in Australia.
- The nominated account must be in your name (it may be a joint account).
- Fortnightly pension paydays are Thursdays.
- Pension deductions are limited to tax, Medicare and child support.
- Your pension will be indexed in January and July each in line with upward CPI movements.
- Your first pension increase is pro-rata for the number of months you have received your pension.
Download and apply
Applications for associate preserved benefit
Claim your preserved benefit as an associate member age retiree.
Preserved age retirement
Use this form to claim your preserved benefit as an age retiree. You can now complete this form online through your CSC Navigator account.
Redundancy benefit application
Use this form to claim your PSS benefit after receiving a redundancy package.
Cessation of employment
Use this form to make a benefit election after you have resigned or left the workforce.