Changes at work

Everything you need to know about your super when making changes at work or starting a new job.

Select a scheme
  • CSS
  • MilitarySuper
  • PSS
I don't know my scheme

Fund rules differ

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Select fund
  • CSS
  • MilitarySuper
  • PSS
I don't know my scheme

Changing jobs

Please note

If you are an invalidity pensioner and you are thinking about starting a new job, it’s important you get in touch with us before making any decisions. Starting a new job can have a significant impact on your pension depending on your circumstances.

It’s important you understand your options and the impact on your entitlements.

What type of change are you making?

  • Moving between departments (continuous service)

    You don't need to do anything, unless you want to.

    Your new employer will get your super details from your old employer so everything will remain the same. That doesn’t mean you can’t make changes, if you want to. Just get in touch with the payroll team at your new employer to change your contributions.

  • Coming back to the Australian Government

    We'd like to guide you through this, as there are some important things you need to know when re-joining the Australian Government.

    We want to help you understand what you need to do once you re-join CSS.

    Call us on 1300 000 277 and we will walk you through the process and ensure you're informed of what happens next.

  • Redundancy

    Redundancy can be an overwhelming time for you both professionally and personally. CSC is here to support you with information about your super, and with practical advice and resources to help as you decide what’s next.

    Navigating redundancy

  • Leaving eligible employment (e.g. moving out of the APS)

    If you're leaving eligible employment, you can preserve your super in CSS for access at a later date. You may also be eligible for a PSS accumulation plan account.

    Preserving your super

  • Resignation

    When you leave your job, you may be entitled to a resignation benefit. Resignation benefits are payable if you resign or are dismissed before minimum retirement age. There are several benefit options available you should carefully consider before making a decision.

    Cessation of employment benefit form Preservation of benefits

Transitioning from the ADF

All you need to know about transitioning from service.

Read more about Transitioning from the ADF

ADF medical transition

Protecting your financial future if you're medically transitioning from ADF.

Read more about ADF medical transition

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