Corporate Governance
At CSC, we’re here to do right by you. We hold ourselves to stringent standards to make sure you can count on us to deliver results, be clear and stay fair in all our interactions.
Accessing Information and FOI disclosure log
all proxy voting reports
Retirement Income Strategy
CSC's Retirement Income Strategy (RIS)
If you're about to retire or you've retired and you're accessing your super, our new Retirement Income Strategy, or RIS, has been designed for you. Here's a summary for our customers.
Annual Report
CSC Annual Report to Parliament 2023–24
Annual report to Parliament for the year ended 30 June 2024.
CSC Annual Report to customers 2023-24
Annual report to customers for the year ended 30 June 2024.
Financial Reports
ADF Super Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
CSS Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
MilitarySuper (MSBS) Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
PSS Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
PSSap Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
ARIA Investments Trust Financial Statement 2023-24
Financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024
Archived annual reports
Our governance approach is outlined in the following policies:
Board performance evaluation policy
Board performance evaluations provide the Board with an opportunity for consideration, reflection and discussion of its performance, the performance of its committees, the Chair and individual directors. .
Board renewal policy
This Board Renewal Policy sets out how the CSC Board considers renewal and the protocols that will be employed by CSC.
Complaints Policy
Customers are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If they do, we’re here to help.
Diversity policy
CSC supports and encourages a diverse and inclusive workforce by fostering a culture and environment of respect, courtesy, honesty, integrity, working in a supportive and collaborative way, treating others how we wish to be treated, having an appreciation of difference and other perspectives, and having an openness to other cultures.
Fit and proper policy
This policy outlines how CSC determines the fitness and propriety of individuals holding positions of responsibility.
Governance framework
This document sets out how the Board oversees and exercises its authority.
Conflicts Management Policy Summary
We have implemented a conflicts management policy and framework to identify, disclose, manage, monitor and avoid conflicts in accordance with regulatory obligations. .
Whistleblower Protection & Public Interest Disclosure Policy
This Whistleblower Protection & Public Interest Disclosure Policy (Policy) is important to good risk management and corporate governance.
Fraud and Corruption Control System
The purpose of this document is to outline CSC’s systems for controlling the risk of fraud and corruption.
General purchase order conditions
CSC issues this document to outline order conditions and terms to its suppliers.
Work Health and Safety Policy
This Work Health and Safety Policy outlines CSC's commitment to creating a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.
Modern Slavery statement
Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24
Modern slavery is a systemic issue which describes situations of exploitation, specifically forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruitment and child labour.
Modern Slavery Statement 2022-23
Modern slavery is a systemic issue which describes situations of exploitation, specifically forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruitment and child labour.
Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
The CSC Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of a CSC employee.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) sets out the minimum standards of behaviour that the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) expects within its supplier operations and supply chains.
Tax Code of Conduct
CSC has developed a tax strategy that maintains a high level of diligence and accountability through the implementation and execution of tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Corporate Plans
Below are CSC's 2024-25 Corporate Plan and 2023-24 Corporate Plan as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013:
CSC Corporate Plan 2024-25
This document sets out the 2024-25 CSC Corporate Plan, which covers the four-year period between financial years 2024-25 to 2027–28.
CSC Corporate Plan 2023-24
This document sets out the 2023-24 CSC Corporate Plan, which covers the four-year period between financial years 2023-24 to 2026–27.
Register of duties and interests
Reportable Gifts Register
Reportable gifts register.
Register of duties and interests
Register of duties and interests.
Tax Transparency Report
Tax Transparency Report 2024
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Tax Transparency Report 2023
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Tax Transparency Report 2022
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Tax Transparency Report 2021
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Tax Transparency Report 2020
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Tax Transparency Report 2019
CSC’s tax strategy is to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability through tax policies and procedures that reflect ‘best practice’ as determined by the Australian Tax Office.
Senate order 12
The Senate agreed on 14 November 1994 to a motion by Senator Harradine requiring that each Minister table indexed file lists of file titles created by Central Offices of each department or agency he or she administers.
Senate Order 13 on Entity Contracts (Murray Motion)
The Murray Motion requires relevant entities to provide details of contracts valued at or above $100,000 (GST inclusive) entered into in the previous reporting period.
Listing of entity contracts for 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
Senate order for entity contracts listing.
Listing of entity contracts for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Senate order for entity contracts listing.
Listing of entity contracts for 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023
Senate order for entity contracts listing
Listing of entity contracts for 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
Senate order for entity contracts listing.
Listing of entity contracts for 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022
Senate order for entity contracts listing.
Board and Committee Charters
Board charter
Good governance matters and the Board aspires to incorporate good governance policies and practices at all levels within CSC.
Board Governance Committee Terms of Reference
The role of the Committee is to assist the Board to function in accordance with its aspiration to be a best practice Board.
Audit Committee Terms of Reference
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of CSC in discharging its responsibilities.
Risk Committee Terms of Reference
The Risk Committee is a sub-committee of the Audit Committee. This document details its terms of reference.
Remuneration and HR Committee Terms of Reference
The role of the Committee is to assist the Board to function in accordance with its aspiration to be a best practice Board.
Record of CSC Board Director Attendance
Record of CSC Board Director Attendance
Record of Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Board Director Attendance.
Board Skills Matrix
Board Skills Matrix
The Board Skills Matrix sets out the skills and experience that would contribute to the effective operation of the CSC Board.