Learn about your super, from contributing to planning retirement.
Breaks in service
In this session, we discuss some of the unique challenges faced by those who take time off from paid employment or those that choose to work part-time or reduced hours over prolonged periods.
We review reasons a person may alter their working arrangements, as well as specific superannuation contribution options so you can put yourself in the best position moving forward.
Tuesday 25 March
2:30pm AEDT
(1:30pm AEST, 1:00pm ACST, 2:00pm ACDT, 11:30am AWST)
Learn more about Tuesday 25 MarchPSS overview
Want to make sure you’re on track for retirement, but not sure how to use your PSS?
In this overview we cover how PSS grows and how to get the most out of it. We also cover your options for retirement and taxation issues. Take the time ahead of the session to review your account and prepare any questions you may have.
Tuesday 25 March
10:00m AEDT
(9:00am AEST, 8:30am ACST, 9:30am ACDT, 7:00am AWST)
Learn more about Tuesday 25 March
Retirement planning
We're your guide
Planning for retirement (Level 1)
Thinking about retirement but don’t know where to start? Not sure if you will have enough for your dream retirement? Worried you may not be able to retire when you want to?
Define your target retirement income and age, plan for entirety of retirement and take the next steps in your planning journey. This webinar is for members of all CSC funds.
Monday 24 March
10:00am AEDT
(9:00am AEST, 8:30am ACST, 9:30am ACDT, 7:00am AWST)
Learn more about Monday 24 MarchMaximising your super for retirement (Level 2)
Know when you’re planning to retire, but not sure if you’re on track? Have an idea of how much your dream retirement costs, but don’t know how to get there?
Building on our Planning for Retirement session, this interactive workshop will help you determine how to reach your retirement goals.
This session is for members who have already completed our Planning for Retirement session and have worked out when they are planning to retire, and how much they’ll need in retirement.
Tuesday 25 March
6:30pm AEST
(5:30pm AEST, 5:00pm ACST, 6:00pm ACDT, 3:30pm AWST)
Learn more about Tuesday 25 MarchStructuring your super for retirement (Level 2)
Is retirement right around the corner for you, but you're not sure how to set up your super to pay for your retirement?
Building on our Planning for Retirement session, this interactive workshop will help you determine how to reach your retirement goals.
This session is for members who have already completed our Planning for Retirement session and have worked out when they are planning to retire, and how much they’ll need in retirement.
Thursday 27 March
10:00am AEDT
(9:00am AEST, 8:30am ACST, 9:30am ACDT, 7:00am AWST)
Learn more about Thursday 27 MarchThursday 27 March
6:30pm AEDT
(5:30pm AEST, 5:00pm ACST, 6:00pm ACDT, 3:30pm AWST)
Learn more about Thursday 27 MarchFriday 28 March
2:30pm AEDT
(1:30pm AEST, 1:00pm ACST, 2:00pm ACDT, 11:30am AWST)
Learn more about Friday 28 MarchAlternatively, you might like to:
Watch our recorded webinars
Our recorded webinars will take you through a wide range of topics about superannuation and CSC's products.
Organise an on-base presentation
We can often facilitate topical superannuation presentations on-base.
Is there interest in a presentation at your location? If so, please email us.
Call or write
Our general enquiries team is available over the phone during business hours, or to respond to your questions via email.
We also offer in-person one-on-one superannuation consultations. For availability, see ADF member consultations.
CSC Seminar & Webinar Terms and Conditions
General advice warningI understand that CSC can only provide me with general advice. This means that any such advice will not take account of my personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any general advice I should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard for my own objectives, financial situation or needs. I may wish to do so with or without the assistance of a licensed financial adviser. I should obtain a copy of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and/or DFRDB Book, and consider its contents before making any decision regarding my super.
Alterations to bookingI understand that CSC may cancel the presentation at any stage due to unforeseen circumstances. I will be contacted by CSC if a change to my booking has occurred. If I miss the presentation, I will need to make a new booking via the CSC website.
Access to locationI understand that some live and in person presentations are held in secure areas which I may not have access to. It is my responsibility to ensure I have the appropriate security access to the Defence base or establishment where my scheduled CSC presentation is being held. If necessary, I will contact the base or establishment's security team in advance of my appointment to arrange access. I may email CSC for further information if required.
I understand that some live webinar sessions may be recorded and my screen-name and avatar and webcam may be used visible in the recording as well as referred to by the facilitator and that my audio may be captured in the recording.
Financial Services GuideI have viewed the applicable Financial Service Guide (FSG) and Supplementary FSG. There is no FSG for the DFRDB scheme.
Product Disclosure Statement / DFRDB BookI will view the applicable Product Disclosure Statement and/or DFRDB Book before making any change or election.