Alert Pensioners: We've published CPI calculations for July 2024 & the pension will increase by 1.6% (2.2% for DFRDB/DFRB over 55). See the calculations

New job? What does that mean for your super?

Everything you need to know about your super when starting a new job.

Is a job change on the horizon?

Wherever you're going, we'll stick with you.

Please select your scheme so we can display the right information for you:

Select a scheme
  • ADF Super
  • CSCri
  • CSS
  • MilitarySuper
  • PSS
  • PSSap
I don't know my scheme

Relevant content will appear after you select a scheme above.

Please note:

If you are an invalidity pensioner and you are thinking about starting a new job, it’s important you get in touch with us before making any decisions. Starting a new job can have a significant impact on your pension depending on your circumstances. It’s important you understand your options and the impact on your entitlements.

We're here to guide you through the process.

Contact us

Select your situation

I'm moving between departments (continuous service)

You don't need to do anything, unless you want to.

Your new employer will get your super details from your old employer so everything will remain the same. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make changes. Just fill out the Change my PSS contribution rate form and give it to your payroll team to change your contributions.

I'm coming back to the Australian Government as a permanent employee

Since you've re-commenced working for the Australian Government as a permanent employee, you automatically re-join the PSS for your super. But there are a couple steps you need to take.
  1. Step 1

    Complete your Confidential Medical and Personal Statement within 14 days of re-joining eligible employment

  2. Step 2

    Nominate a contribution rate by filling out this contributions form

Great to have you back.

I'm coming back to the Australian Government as a temporary employee (or working for a statutory authority)

If you're a Preserved PSS Member who has re-commenced working for the Australian Government as a temporary or casual employee, or you're working for a statutory authority, you need to elect to re-activate your PSS membership.
  1. Step 1

    Complete ‘Your election to become a PSS member’ form

  2. Step 2

    Complete your Confidential Medical and Personal Statement within 14 days of re-joining eligible employment

  3. Step 3

    Nominate a contribution rate by filling out this contributions form

Great to have you back.

I'm leaving eligible employment (e.g. moving out of Australia Government employment)

If you are leaving eligible employment, please refer to Preservation

Select your situation

I'm moving between departments (continuous service)

You don't need to do anything, unless you want to.

Your new employer will get your super details from your old employer so everything will remain the same. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make changes. If you want to change your contribution rate, just get in touch with the payroll team at your new employer.

I'm coming back to the Australian Government

We'd like to guide you through this

There are some important things you need to know when re-joining the Australian Government.

We want to help you understand what you need to do once you re-join CSS.

Please call us on 1300 000 277 and we will walk you through the process and ensure you’re informed of what happens next.

I'm leaving eligible employment (e.g. moving out of Australia Government employment)

If you are leaving eligible employment, please refer to Preservation

Transitioning from the ADF

All you need to know about transitioning from service.

Read more about Transitioning from the ADF

ADF medical transition

Protecting your financial future if you're medically transitioning from ADF.

Read more about ADF medical transition

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Default fund

PSSap is the default super fund for new Australian Public Sector (APS) employees and new employees of other participating employers.

  1. this is a title for a step

    Click on ‘contributions’ and follow the prompts to generate your BPAY and customer reference number

  2. Go

    Once you have obtained your customer reference number, you can make a payment online by logging into your financial institution

  3. Pay

    Click on ‘contributions’ and follow the prompts to generate your BPAY and customer reference number

  4. this is the title for a step

    this is the description for a step...

If you commenced employment with your current PSSap participating employer (eg joined the APS) on or after 1 July 2005 you automatically join PSSap unless you choose another super fund.

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ADF Super USI: 90302247344001 ADF Super ABN: 90 302 247 344

Answering some of your questions

Am I eligible?

To be eligible to continue contributing to your CSC account you need to have been employed by one or more eligible employers* for a continuous 12 months.

*In this case, ‘eligible employment’ refers to public service employment, or employment that has been approved by the Minister for Finance in a written declaration. 

How do I stay with CSC?

All you need to do to make sure you keep contributing to your CSC account is tell your employer you’d like to keep contributing to your PSSap Account (PSSap is the name of your fund with CSC). You can also use the below forms:

Nominate PSSap

PSSap Super Choice Form

Give this to your employer to nominate PSSap as your chosen super fund

PSSap Letter of compliance

You can give this letter to your employer as evidence PSSap is a complying super fund


Why should I stay with CSC?

A wealth of investment expertise

Our members benefit from our award-winning investment strategy. We believe investing is about achieving your goals and serving you with the best available.

Learn more

A century of integrity and experience

As one of Australia’s first super funds, we’ve been trusted by Australian Government and Defence Force employees for over a century.

About CSC

Designed for members like you

Our products are tailor-made for the APS and ADF. We understand you like no other super fund can, because we carry the Government crest, just like you.

Our products

If you stay with CSC, you will also have continued support throughout your entire career with our 3 different advice** options, which you can utilise depending on your needs at different points in time.

Comprehensive advice

Simple advice

Fee for service

See our advice options
**Our authorised financial planners are authorised to provide advice by Guideway Financial Services (ABN 46 156 498 538, AFSL 420367). Guideway is a licensed financial services business providing CSC financial planners with support to provide members with specialist advice, education and strategies.

Changing jobs checklist

  1. Make sure you know where all your super is. You can use our superfinder tool to find and consolidate any lost super you might have.
  2. Check on your investment option. Make sure your chosen investment option suits your risk appetite.
  3. Consider if the time if right for you to begin making voluntary contributions to your super.

Resigning from work

Changing jobs can have a significant impact on your super

Read more about Resigning from work

Taking a redundancy

A redundancy can have a significant impact on your super.

Read more about Taking a redundancy

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