Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme

About CSS

Last updated: 24 Sep 2024
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  • Opened on 1 July 1976

  • Closed to new members on 30 June 1990

  • CSS is a hybrid fund, providing both Accumulation and Defined Benefits. This means part of the benefit is based on contributions into the fund, plus investment earnings, and the other part is determined by a formula.

The following information outlines the general workings of the fund and is not intended for preserved members, pensioners or those with a spouse account or associate benefit.
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How it works

Entitlements for CSS members are calculated based on their age at retirement. The CSS benefit will typically be calculated as an age retirement benefit if the member ceases employment from age 55. CSC members also have the option to preserve their benefit at least two calendar days before their 55th birthday, and claim a Deferred Benefit once they reach age 55. This is often referred to as 54/11.

Member and employer contributions

  • Contributing members are required to make basic contributions each fortnight from their after-tax salary.
  • Member contributions will be either 0% or 5% of the member's super salary.
  • Voluntary supplementary contributions can be made at any amount in addition to the basic contribution, and can be paid as a one-off or as regular fortnightly contribution.
  • Employers contribute 2-3% of the member's super salary each fortnight they are employed by that designated employer into their CSS account. This is known as a productivity contribution.
Family barbeque

PSS accumulation plan (PSSap)

CSS members can also access a personal accumulation account through a PSSap membership*. A PSSap account can accept contributions that are not permitted to be paid into CSS, such as salary sacrifice and spouse contributions. CSS members can add extra money to their super by making before-tax and after-tax contributions, or consolidate their super by transferring in money from other super funds.

*Subject to eligibility requirements

Changing jobs

Member leaving eligible employment?

If the member leaves eligible employment before their minimum retirement age, they can elect to preserve their benefit in CSS to claim at a later date. Their benefit may be referred to as a Deferred Benefit. The preserved member and productivity components will be invested and will be affected by fund earnings. The employer financed component will be determined at the time they claim.

Inbuilt Death and Invalidity Cover

Contributing CSS members receive automatic death and invalidity cover at no cost.

Generally, they are covered for a benefit based on their entitlement had they worked to age 65. The calculation is capped at 30 years of prospective service or their actual contributory membership, whichever is greater.

The benefit will also depend on the final super salary and when they joined CSS. If they have less than 20 years contributory membership, and a Benefit Classification Certificate (BCC)* applies to you, your benefit may be reduced.

CSS Death and Invalidity benefits

*A BCC may have been issued upon joining CSS if the entry medical examination identified an existing medical condition that may have affected the customer's ability to reach their maximum retiring age. A BCC ceases to apply after 20 years of contributory membership. A BCC may be issued later if it is found that the customer failed to disclose information or provided false or misleading information relating to a condition that risked their ability to reach maximum retiring age.

Claiming Super

Depending on the customer's circumstances, they'll generally be entitled to claim a lifetime fortnightly indexed benefit, and either a lifetime fortnightly non-indexed benefit, a lump sum or a combination of these.

  • Age retirement

    The indexed pension is generally calculated as a percentage of the customer's final super salary. The percentage is determined by their age and length of contributory membership at the time they cease.

    They can also claim a non-indexed pension using both their accumulated member and productivity contributions, or just their accumulated member contributions, or take these components as a lump sum. This benefit is calculated as a percentage of the components they choose to use. The percentage is determined by their age. The non-indexed pension is limited to 20% of their final super salary if they retire at age 60 or more. This limit reduces if they retire before age 60. Any excess contributions will be payable as a lump sum.

  • Deferred Benefit

    The indexed pension will be calculated by multiplying the customer's accumulated basic contributions by 2.5, then dividing the result by an age factor.

    They can also claim a non-indexed pension using their accumulated member and productivity contributions, or just their accumulated member contributions, or take these components as a lump sum. This pension is calculated as a percentage of the components they choose to use. The percentage used is determined by their age.

Download more information

PSSap Ancillary Membership

This factsheet is for contributing CSS or PSS members who want to make super contributions in addition to the member contributions required by their scheme.

Fees and other costs

This document outlines the fees and costs that may be charged. It forms part of the CSS Product Disclosure statement.

Product Disclosure Statement

This document provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. It includes references to the Investment options and risk, Fees and other costs, Tax and your CSS super and Death and invalidity benefits booklets which form part of the Product Disclosure Statement.

Address: GPO Box 2252, Canberra ACT 2601

Business hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. Closed ACT public holidays.

Fax: (02) 6275 7010

MEMBERS (Contributing & preserved)

Phone: 1300 000 277 (+61 2 6214 4901


PENSIONERS (Receiving a pension)

Phone: 1300 001 777 (+61 2 6214 4907


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