Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan

About PSSap & PSSap Ancillary

Last updated: 25 Sep 2024
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  • PSSap—the Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan—is designed exclusively for current and former Australian Public Service employees.

  • It’s flexible and can be tailored to individual needs, such as level of insurance cover or choice investment options, to suit different circumstances through life.

  • If an employee changes jobs or leaves the public service, they can take their PSSap account with them, as long as they have at least 12 months’ continuous employment by an eligible employer.

  • Also available as a personal accumulation account (PSSap Ancillary for Defined Benefit Members)

    PSS or CSS members may apply to open a personal accumulation account with PSSap if they have been employed by an eligible employer for a minimum of 12 continuous months, and a Contributing or Preserved PSS or CSS member; or had been a Contributing PSS or CSS member at any time on or after 7 March 2021.

Family exercising at home

How it works

  • Government employers contribute at least 15.4% of super salary into the employee PSSap account, and the employee can add extra money to their account.
  • Contributions are invested, so the value of super depends on the amount of those contributions and the net returns from their investment over time, minus fees and costs.
  • When ready to retire, there are a number of ways super can be withdrawn, which will depend on individual circumstances.

lifePLUS insurance

lifePLUS is our insurance cover available to eligible PSSap members. It includes Income Protection, Total and Permanent Disability, Death and Terminal Illness.

Read more about lifePLUS insurance

FAQ for PSSap

What are the eligibility requirements to become a new member or spouse?

New PSSap accounts can only be opened by current employees of our Employer Sponsors. To join PSSap as an Employer Sponsored member, they must be a current employee of the Australian Public Service (APS) or eligible participating employer where their employment does not make them eligible to re-join PSS or CSS.

ADF Super and PSSap are not public offer funds and therefore spouses, who are not eligible APS employees, or eligible ADF employees are not eligible to join.

Any non-member spouse accounts created as a result of a family law split are unable to accept contributions.

Eligible members of CSS and PSS members can open PSSap as a personal account.

My client is a member of CSS or PSS. Can they open a personal accumulation account with PSSap?

Yes, eligible CSS and PSS members can open a personal accumulation account with PSSap—also known as a PSSap Ancillary account.

To be eligible, they must have completed at least 12 continuous months of employment with their CSS/PSS membership, and:

  • Are a current CSS/PSS Preserved or Contributor; or
  • Were a CSS/PSS Contributor at any time on or after 7 March 2021.

What is a PSSap Ancillary account?

Opening a personal accumulation account with PSSap allows members to stay with CSC for all their super needs:

  • Grow their super with additional contributions or salary sacrifice
  • Receive contributions from non-APS employers
  • Access four investment options
  • Access lifePLUS cover for their additional insurance needs (subject to eligibility)
  • Invest money for retirement in a superannuation environment.

What can my PSS client do with a PSSap personal accumulation account that they can’t do with a PSS account?

With a PSSap personal accumulation account, members have access to:

  • Additional personal contributions above the 10% maximum that can be made to PSS.
  • 4 investment options to choose from for their accumulation benefit.
  • Income Protection insurance (subject to underwriting).
  • Contributions from non-employer sponsor employers.

Can PSSap personal accumulation members also apply for lifePLUS Cover?

Personal accumulation members can apply for lifePLUS choice cover. lifePLUS choice cover may provide members with the opportunity for benefits not available in PSS or CSS, such as Income Protection cover.

If a member is employed by an eligible employer and they’re receiving super guarantee contributions from them, members have the option to change their membership to a PSSap membership. If they make this change, they may be eligible for lifePLUS auto cover, subject to the standard eligibility rules for New Permanent Employees or New Casual Employees.

Can a PSSap member open more than one account?

Generally, no. Accounts are opened by an employer. However, there are exceptions where a CSS or PSS member may open multiple personal accounts.

Are there any restrictions on the types of contributions?

Personal accumulation PSSap accounts opened by CSS or PSS members: there are no special contribution restrictions.

PSSap Employer Sponsored: If the member is employed by an employer sponsor for less than 12 continuous months (’12 month’ rule), they cannot receive non-employer sponsor contributions. Once they have met this ‘12 month’ rule, there are no contribution restrictions. If the member leaves their employer sponsor before meeting the ‘12 month’ rule, they become Preserved and cannot make contributions.

Are there any restrictions on other money that can be rolled in?

We do not accept overseas superannuation transfers such as KiwiSaver or QROPS (UK Pensions).

Does PSSap/ADF Super accept spouse contribution splits to or from an external fund?


What is the asset allocation for each investment option?


The below table forms part of the PSSap Product Disclosure Statement. It contains the following target asset allocation information for PSSap and is effective from 23 September 2024. The table may be updated from time to time.

  Default option
Cash 12.50%
Fixed Interests 12.50%
Equities 57.00%
Property 6.00%
Infrastructure 7.00%
Alternatives 5.00%

Each investment option has a specific target asset allocation range for its asset class. We monitor market movements to make sure the investment options are within the target asset allocation ranges shown in the table below.

Target Asset Allocation
Asset type Income Focused MySuper Balanced# Aggressive
Cash 10–100% 0–65% 0–35%
Fixed interest 10–100% 0–65% 0–35%
Equities 0–40% 15–75% 20–95%
Property 0–35% 0–25% 0–50%
Infrastructure 0–35% 0–25% 0–50%
Alternatives 0–70% 0–30% 0–70%
Foreign currency hedge ratio 0–100% 0–100% 0–100%

Is there a pension commencement bonus?


Download more information

PSSap MySuper Balanced Investment option

This document serves as a comprehensive investment profile resource for Advisers, providing all the essential information about PSSap MySuper Balanced, including performance, fees, and asset allocation.

PSSap Aggressive Investment option

This document serves as a comprehensive investment profile resource for Advisers, providing all the essential information about PSSap Aggressive Investment option, including performance, fees and asset allocation.

Product Disclosure Statement

This document provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing super in PSSap Super.

Investment options and risk

This document outlines the investment options available to PSSap members. It forms part of the PSSap Product Disclosure statement.

Your PSSap fees and costs

This document outlines the fees and costs that may be charged. It forms part of the PSSap Product Disclosure statement.

Tax and your PSSap super

This document outlines how tax can affect a member's super account. It forms part of the PSSap Product Disclosure statement.

Insurance and your PSSap super

This document outlines the PSSap insurance options, including who is eligible, how to change cover or opt out, how much cover costs, and the conditions and exclusions that apply. It forms part of the PSSap Product Disclosure Statement.

Address: PSSap, Locked Bag 20117, Melbourne, VIC 3001

Business hours: 8:30 am to 6 pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday.

Phone: 1300 725 171 (+61 2 4209 5403)

Fax: 1300 364 144 (+61 2 4277 1086)



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