What to do if an employee has died

Here’s the superannuation information you need to know if an employee has passed away.

We're here to help

We know this isn’t an easy time for anyone, yourself included. To make things a little easier, we have a team who are dedicated specifically to helping people when one of our members passes away. They're here to make navigating the claim process as easy as possible.

What you need to do

Let us know as soon as you can that one of your employees has passed away. You can do this over the phone by calling 1300 338 240 or by email to employer.service@csc.gov.au.

We’ll need some information from you about your employee, which may include:

  • Their full name and date of birth
  • Their AGS number, PSSap membership number, or service number
  • Their date of death and funeral (if known)
  • Any next of kin or emergency contact details
  • Your contact details, in case we need any further information from you.

There’s no need to provide us with a departmental report. We’ll review the individual’s record and contact you or your payroll team if there’s an issue.

There’s also no need for you to send anyone a form to complete, our loss and hardship support team will handle the details with the next of kin or emergency contact.

What we will do

A case manager will reach out to the next of kin or emergency contact to talk them through any benefits that apply, and explain the claims process step-by-step.

The same case manager will handle the entire process with the relevant parties from start to finish.

If you need any help from us

If you’re unsure about any part of the process, contact us on 1300 338 240 or at employer.service@csc.gov.au.

Resources for your employees and their families

Advocate and representative support pack

This pack is for those representing or supporting families through the death benefits claim process.

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