
Understand what happens to your super in the event of your death.

Defined benefit members can’t nominate a beneficiary as scheme rules determine who receives your benefit in the event of your death.

Fund rules differ

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  • CSS
  • MilitarySuper
  • PSS
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Nominating a beneficiary is not mandatory, but it can help to provide peace of mind. 

There are two kinds of beneficiary nominations you can make—a binding or a non-binding nomination.

A binding nomination is used to nominate your preferred beneficiaries and we are bound to pay your benefit to the beneficiaries you have nominated. This kind of nomination provides you with greater certainty about who receives your benefit if you die. A binding nomination overrules any previous non-binding or binding nominations. A binding nomination will expire after three years. For it to remain valid, you need to renew your nomination before your nomination expires. We will send you a reminder 3 months before your beneficiary nomination expires, so please make sure your contact details are always up to date. You can renew your beneficiary nomination at any time through your CSC Navigator.

A non-binding nomination is used to nominate your preferred beneficiaries. Your nomination will not be binding on CSC, and will only be used as a guide when we determine who we pay your benefit to.
A non-binding nomination will not expire.

Non-binding nominations can be completed through your CSC Navigator, log into your account complete the non-binding beneficiary nomination form.


More information

Dependants' benefits

The DFRDB Scheme provides for the payment of benefits to the eligible dependants. This factsheet provides detailed information and a quick guide to DFRDB death in service benefits.

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