Updated redundancy and invalidity estimate request forms

We’ve updated our estimate request forms to make things easier for you.

20 May 2019

We no longer have separate forms for CSS and PSS, instead we have just one form for all redundancy estimates. We've also uploaded our bulk redundancy estimate request spreadsheet to our website for your convenience.
We've also created a new estimate request form for invalidity estimates. You should only submit this form when you are starting to prepare an invalidity retirement application for a PSS or CSS customer as our aim is to alleviate any financial worries or concerns that they may have. For this reason, the estimate request will require sign off from both the case manager and a payroll staff member to ensure the information is correct. You will also need permission from your employee to obtain the estimate. If you are not pursuing an IRC application then please refer the employee to their last annual statement.
Once complete, send the redundancy and invalidity estimate request forms to formsandapplications@csc.gov.au. This will ensure that the estimates are processed and returned within a timely manner. 

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