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Get in touch with our employer team

Phone service outage

Our Employer Contact Centre is experiencing issues this morning and can’t take your call. We expect to be back up and running by 11.30am.

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Are you a member?

If you are a CSC scheme member or pensioner, please visit the members' area of the website.

Employer team contact details

9am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday (except for ACT public holidays).

Sending forms to us

There are a few things you can do to help speed up the time it takes to process your employees’ forms. We’ve put together our top tips for sending forms to us so together we can achieve exactly that.

  • Combine similar documents together. If you’re sending multiple attachments to us, combining documents that are in a similar format (e.g. combining all PDFs together) will help us put everything into one file ready for processing.
  • Put the application form first. By doing so, we’ll be able to quickly identify which member the form belongs to.
  • You can send the form by email or post. And to save yourself some steps, you don’t need to send it by both. If you decide to email the form, you may want to think about keeping the original on your employee’s file or sending it back to your employee for their own records.
  • We only need one copy of the form. So if your employee has sent a form to you to add extra information to, we’ll only need the fully completed form once you’ve added your part. There’s no need to send us the copy that your employee sent you because the information will be all there in the fully completed form.

When sending forms by email, we love to know what the form is and who it relates to. Have a look at the examples below for suggestions on easy subject lines you could use:

  • Departmental report for Firstname Surname AGS ########
  • Benefit application form for Firstname Surname AGS ########
  • Benefit application form and departmental report for Firstname Surname AGS ########
PSSap forms ADF Super forms CSS, PSS, MilitarySuper & DFRDB forms


Locked Bag 20117
Melbourne VIC 3001
ADF Super
Locked Bag 20116
Melbourne VIC 3001
GPO Box 2252
Canberra ACT 2610
Woman looking up to the sky

How are we doing?

At CSC, we know how important our employers are to everything that we do, and we are committed to working with you to support our customers.

As part of this, we want to know what you think—so that we can keep doing the things we do well, and change anything that isn't working the way it should.

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