Changes to ADF Super. From 6 July 2020, eligible veterans will be able to keep contributing to ADF Super when they transition to civilian life.

ADF Super is an accumulation super fund designed to meet the needs of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members. From 6 July 2020, eligible veterans will be able to keep contributing to ADF Super when they transition to civilian life. This means you may soon be contributing to ADF Super for some of your employees.

28 May 2020

To help you with this change, we’ve answered some questions you might have to help you know what to expect when working with ADF Super.


Which employees can contribute to ADF Super?

To keep an ADF Super account when leaving the ADF, veterans must have served in the permanent forces or as a continuous full-time reservist for at least 12 continuous months. It’s not possible to have contributions paid from the ADF and a non-ADF employer at the same time, so you won’t be able to contribute into ADF Super until your employee has transitioned out of the ADF. If your employee isn’t sure if they meet the eligibility criteria to keep their ADF Super, they can contact us on 1300 203 439 or at


How do I pay contributions into ADF Super?

You can pay ADF Super contributions via a clearing house, just like most other accumulation super funds. You’ll need to include your employee’s ADF Super account number with every transaction so that we can make sure the money is allocated to the correct account.

Your employee doesn’t have to send us a form or nominate you before you can start paying contributions into ADF Super.

What is the ADF Super contribution rate?

Non-ADF employers must make contributions at the Super Guarantee rate, currently 10% of ordinary-time earnings. You can pay at a higher rate if it’s required by your enterprise agreement (or similar) or your employee’s conditions of payment.

Can my employee make voluntary payments into ADF Super?

Yes, you can facilitate either before tax (salary sacrifice) or after-tax voluntary contributions into ADF Super.

Your employee can also pay after-tax contributions directly to us via BPay or through their Raiz (formerly Acorns) account.

What do I need to do if ADF Super returns a contribution?

If a contribution is rejected, check that you included the correct ADF Super account number. If the account number is correct, encourage your employee to get in touch with us so we can investigate.

How do I help employees who become sick or injured?

ADF Super offers automatic total and permanent disability (TPD) and death cover to all eligible customers, and income protection by application. Anyone under the age of 25 or with an account balance of less than $6,000 will need to opt in to the insurance cover they are offered.

Some customers won’t have insurance automatically applied to their ADF Super account when they transition out of the ADF due to their particular circumstances. They’ll need to complete a full insurance application and be assessed through underwriting for cover. We’ll let them know about this when they transition out.

If your employee is sick or injured, please encourage them to contact us as soon as possible so we can help them understand any available insurance options.

We may be in touch to get employment information from you if the employee decides to make an insurance claim.

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