Employer news – April 2024

In the April edition of Employer news, learn how employees opt out of PSS and the considerations that go with it, the new validation process for CSS/PSS Employer Services Online, and the new interpretation of value 'D' when calculating shift allowances.

29 Apr 2024

Welcome to the April edition of Employer News—we’re excited to kick-start this edition by celebrating the success of our recent Virtual Employer Seminars.

During the first week of March, our Employer Educators delivered an impressive seven modules over three days. These were incredibly well received, and we thank each of our participants for their engagement and enthusiastic participation.

Our employer team are committed to the continuous improvement of these offerings, and with your suggestions and feedback, look forward to further enhancing our webinar experience. In response, we are working hard to uplift our existing content to include more targeted case studies with an aim to provide you with even more practical examples and insights. We are also looking to introduce recorded sessions to our Employer website for your staff to enjoy at their own leisure.

With the end of financial year fast approaching, we want to ensure we are supporting you in meeting your super obligations. Keep an eye out for our next edition of Employer News, where we will be sharing important cut-off dates for payroll submissions.

Thanks again for your unwavering support and engagement. If you have any questions, please reach out to us on 1300 338 240 or at employer.service@csc.gov.au.

In this issue:

Employer newsletter

Keep updated with our quarterly newsletter. We’ll let you know about the latest super news and give you tips to help you meet your super obligations.