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Your super is in good hands

As one of the first Australian super funds, we’ve been operating alongside the APS and ADF for over a century.

Why choose CSC?
Accelerate your know-how

Women and super

Australian women retire with less super. But the good news? With the right strategies, you can take charge of your super and make the system work for you.

Vets Hub Community

A community improving financial well-being for Australian veterans and military families.

Join the community

Leaving the ADF? Take CSC with you.

A new job doesn’t have to mean a new superfund, even if you’re leaving the ADF.

Find out more

Protecting you is our top priority

We're dedicated to protecting your information and investment.

Cyber security

CSC customers continue to benefit from our early moves into strategic assets: this time via early investment in AI infrastructure

CSC is pleased to announce the successful sale of 50% of its investment in CDC Data Centres.
Money and finances

Early planning is key to a better retirement

Helping you plan is key to a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

Your partner to a better retirement

Supporting your retirement goals with our Retirement Income Strategy

CSC named Money's Best of the Best for Innovation in Retirement

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation’s (CSC) series of default member retirement profiles have been recognised with Money Magazine’s Best of the Best 2025 Award −­­­­­ Innovation in Retirement.

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