LIFEapp insurance calculator

The LIFEapp calculator uses some personal details and some financial details to estimate how much Death, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) and Income Protection insurance you might need.

LIFEapp insurance calculator

Using our free insurance calculator called LIFEapp, you can quickly and easily:

  • review your insurance needs
  • get a quote for your preferred level of cover

Additional insurance information

Before you access LIFEapp, you may wish to view the following information:

  • Group Life and Income Protection Policy Documents: The Policy Documents are available under the insurance tab in your online account—the CSC Navigator.
  • Target Market Determination (TMD): The TMD describes the types of customers a financial product is appropriate for, based on their likely needs, objectives and financial situation (target market), and it establishes the conditions and restrictions in relation to how the product can be distributed to customers.
  • CSC’s Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy outlines how we protect your personal information against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. All of the information we collect from you will be in accordance with our privacy policy.

ADF Super

  • The ADF Super Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the Insurance and your ADF Super booklet. The ADF Super PDS provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in ADF Super. The Insurance and your ADF Super booklet forms part of the ADF Super PDS, and outlines your ADF Super insurance options, including who is eligible, how you can change your cover or opt out, how much cover costs, and the conditions and exclusions that apply.


  • The PSSap Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the Insurance and your PSSap super booklet: The PSSap PDS provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in PSSap. The Insurance and your PSSap super booklet forms part of the PSSap PDS, and outlines your PSSap insurance options, including who is eligible, how you can change your cover or opt out, how much cover costs, and the conditions and exclusions that apply.

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