Investment disclosures

This page provides information on asset allocation, currency exposure and portfolio holdings.

Groups of similar assets are referred to as ‘asset classes’.

Your investment options are made up of a mix of these asset classes:

  • Cash
  • Fixed interest
  • Equities
  • Property
  • Infrastructure
  • Alternatives

‘Asset allocation’ represents the relative proportion, or percentage, of the portfolio that a particular asset class invests in.

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The tables below provide information on the asset allocation and currency exposure for the Default option, current as at 31 December 2024.

The figures below are not the target asset allocations for the financial year—these can be found in the Investment Options and Risk publication at Product Disclosure Statement.

Asset class Actual asset allocation (% of total assets, including derivatives, in the investment option) Effect of derivatives exposure (% of total assets, including derivatives, in the investment option)
Cash 16.66% -11.68%
Fixed income 7.91% 7.86%
Equities 52.6% 3.83%
Property 6.43% 0.00%
Infrastructure 10.03% -0.01%
Alternatives 6.38% 0.00%
Total 100.0%  
Currency exposure Actual currency exposure (% of assets and derivatives under management) Effect of derivatives exposure (% of assets and derivatives under management)
AUD 48.39% 19.25%
USD 37.77% -12.44%
Currencies of other developed markets 11.47% -4.66%
Currencies of emerging markets 2.37% -2.15%
Total 100.0%  

Portfolio holdings as at 31 December 2023

The full list of portfolio holdings can be found in “Table 1 – Assets” via the linked files below.

Download Aggressive

Download MySuper Balanced

Download Cash

Download Income Focused



All disclosures are based on the investment holdings information held by our custodian and calculated in accordance with the Corporations Regulations 2001.

Figures in the tables above have been rounded, please refer to download data file for more detail.

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