CSC Retirement Income (CSCri)

CSCri is designed to complement your existing CSS, PSS, or PSSap benefit by allowing you to keep some or all of your super invested, while also receiving regular retirement income payments.

New to CSCri

Understand the benefits of a retirement income stream and apply for an account.

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Forms, factsheets & publications

All the documents you need to manage your CSCri account in one place.

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Your payment calendar

See the calendar for your fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments.

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Couple preparing for hike

Apply for CSCri

Check your eligibility and apply for a CSC retirement income.

Apply for CSCri

Stories from CSCri members Gerard's story

Gerard, a PSS and CSCri member, was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and this drastically changed his retirement plans. He was going to retire early, but instead took advantage of CSCri’s transition to retirement income stream to supplement his sick leave. Gerard appreciated the flexibility, including the ability to vary his income and draw on lump sums.

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Proudly designed exclusively for the Australian Government and Defence Force. Providing you with the certainty for life you need.

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Super funds and products

Learn the difference between accumulation and defined benefit funds, and which funds are open to new customers.

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Video resources

Learn more about how you can manage and maximise your superannuation with our recorded webinars.

Read the article: Video resources

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