ADF Super
ADF Super is the super fund for current and former members of the Australian Defence Force.
Join ADF SuperWe’re proud to offer ADF Super – a fund designed just for current and former members of the ADF.
How it works
Saving for your future
As a member of the Defence Force, your employer contributes 16.4% of your super salary into your ADF Super account. You can add extra money to your super by making before-tax and after-tax contributions, or by transferring in money from other super funds to help grow your savings.
We invest your money
Contributions to your account are invested, so the value of your super depends on the amount of those contributions and the net returns from their investment over time, minus fees and costs.
When you're ready to retire
You generally withdraw your super when you’re ready to leave the workforce. In some cases, you may be able to access your super or a portion of it earlier.
Choose investment options to suit
Our range of investment options recognises customers’ appetite and capacity to take risks changes over different stages of your life.
Investment optionsWith you for life
ADF Super can be your super fund wherever your career takes you, even if you leave the ADF (after 12 months of continuous service).
Changing jobsWe’re your guide
Access financial planning and free education to help you make the most of your super through webinars, seminars and videos.
Investment options
ADF Super offers four investment options: MySuper Balanced, Cash, Income Focused and Aggressive. These options have been designed to work for you at different stages of life to help you reach your retirement goals.

Transparent fees and costs
We're non-profit and only charge the fees necessary to operate the fund. This often means significant net benefit for your savings, and more in your account for retirement.

Sometimes the unexpected happens in your civilian life, and we’re here for you if it does. While you’re serving, you can access ADF Cover. When you’re out, you may have access to lifePLUS Protect.
ADF Cover and lifePLUS Protect
The nature of Australian Defence Force (ADF) service often makes it hard for customers to obtain Death and Invalidity cover at a reasonable cost. We make it easy for you—when you’re serving and when you’re out.
ADF Cover—when you’re serving
ADF Cover provides eligible ADF personnel with Death and Invalidity benefits at no extra cost. And if there’s a successful claim for Death or Invalidity benefits, these are paid on top of your super benefits.
Learn more about ADF Cover—when you’re servinglifePLUS Protect—when you’re out
If you’ve left the ADF, you may be eligible for automatic cover, the day after you leave.
With lifePLUS Protect auto, you get Death and TPD insurance cover without filling in forms or taking medical tests. And if you’re not eligible, or you want to change your auto cover or add Income Protection, you can do this through lifePLUS Protect choice.
Learn more about lifePLUS Protect—when you’re out
Join ADF Super
Join the super fund for current and former members of the Australian Defence Force.
Join ADF SuperFind out more
You and your family can learn more about planning your financial future and super from the comfort of your own home. Register to attend one of our live public webinars.
Read more about WebinarsProduct disclosure statement
Product Disclosure Statement
This document provides important information about the features, benefits, risk and cost of investing your super in ADF Super.