Employer Productivity Superannuation Contribution rates

Employer Productivity Superannuation Contribution (EPSC) rates help calculate your fortnightly funded employer contributions.

EPSC rates that apply from 1 July 2024
Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,830.67 $84.92
$2830.67 or more but less than $4,560.67 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$4,560.67 or more but less than $6,841.00 $136.82
$6,841.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary

Employer productivity superannuation contribution - archive


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,710.00 $81.30
$2,710.00 or more but less than $4,366.00 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$4,366.00 or more but less than $6,549.00 $130.98
$6,549.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,624.00 $78.72
$2,624.00 or more but less than $4,226.67 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$4,226.67 or more but less than $6,340.00 $126.80
$6,340.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,568.67 $77.06
$2,568.67 or more but less than $4,138.00 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$4,138.00 or more but less than $6,207.00 $124.14
$6,207.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,488.67 $78.72
$2,488.67 or more but less than $4,009.33 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$4,009.33 or more but less than $6,014.00 $120.28
$6,014.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,408.00 $72.24
$2,408.00 or more but less than $3,879.33 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3,879.33 or more but less than $5,819.00 $116.38
$5,819.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,352.67 $70.58
$2,352.67 or more but less than $3,790.00 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3,790.00 or more but less than $5,685.00 $113.70
$5,685.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,300.67 $69.02
$2300.67or more but less than $3,706.00 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3,706.00 or more but less than $5,559.00 $111.18
$5,559.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,250.00 $67.50
$2,250.00 or more but less than $3,624.67 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3,624.67 or more but less than $5,437.00 $108.74
$5,437.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,215.33 $66.46
$2215.33 or more but less than $3,568.67 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3568.67 or more but less than $5353.00 $107.06
$5,353.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,157.33 $64.46
$2157.33 or more but less than $3,475.33 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3475.33 or more but less than $5213.00 $104.26
$5,213.00 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,090 $62.70
$2090 or more but less than $3,367.33 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3367.33or more but less than $5,051 $101.02
$5,051 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $2,000.67 $60.02
$2,000.67 or more but less than $3,223.33 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3223.33or more but less than $4,835 $96.70
$4835 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $1915.33 $57.46
$1915.33 or more but less than $3086 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$3086 or more but less than $4629 $92.58
$4629 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary


Applicable fortnightly rate of salary for superannuation Fortnightly employer productivity superannuation contribution
Less than $1848.67 $55.46
$1,848.67 or more but less than $2978 The amount that is 3% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary
$2978 or more but less than $4467 $89.34
$4467 or more The amount that is 2% of the employee's fortnightly rate of salary

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