The Customer Experience: How CSC is Making Life Easier for You

22 Jul 2021










CSC's Chief Transformation and Information Officer - Andrew Matuszczak



Our customer’s expectations are changing, and so are we. Through our customer experience program we have discovered that our customers are asking for seamless, efficient and personalised online experiences.

In response, we’re working to better understand their preferences and empower them to take control of their financial future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven higher digital engagement, and more than ever businesses must match the quality of in-person service and online experience.

For the superannuation industry specifically – a service that has historically experienced low levels of customer engagement – it’s critical digital services include clear, practical information tailored to the unique circumstances of each customer.

As the superannuation partner for current and former members of the ADF and government employees – a particularly niche membership – we’re unmatched in our understanding of our customers and what they want.

We’re a super fund designed for our customers and we’re constantly investing in and improving our services to ensure a better experience for them. This includes the launch of our transformation program, which is being delivered over the next three years; making sure we have the right people, processes, technology and data to deliver a more personalised super experience for our customers.

Underpinning this new approach is our customer experience program, The Compass, which provides unique data and insights into what our customers want and how we can improve things for them.

For instance, our customers told us they wanted more precise information about what income they would receive every week when they retired, so we’ve redesigned our annual statements to ensure this information is clearly communicated. This is just one way we’re helping our customers plan for the future.

We’re also investing in new technology, which will allow us to streamline processes, use our data more effectively, and ultimately offer more self-service options. This means our customers may notice some changes to our online services in the coming years, including:

  • New platforms with better self-service options and improved access to information tailored to their needs.
  • Better automation for our administration processes, meaning end-to-end processing in less time.
  • Higher data quality, allowing CSC staff to provide the most relevant and personalised experiences for customers.

These changes will ensure we’re better equipped to meet the changing needs and expectations of our customers, so we can guide them towards their personal super goals, and empower them with the confidence to take the next steps to secure their financial future.

While traditionally superannuation has been considered by many as a service that sits in the background until retirement, the events of 2020 thrust super into the spotlight and spurred many to consider their options.

We’re extremely encouraged by that trend and we want to harness this engagement by working hand-in-hand with our customers to help them achieve their retirement ambitions.

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