Changes to the CSC website
Things are looking a little different around here.
25 Feb 2022
We’ve been gathering feedback on what you like, and what you think we should change about our website.
Other than the obvious change to how the site looks (goodbye big purple banner), we’re moving things around so it’s easier to find the information you need. We're not done yet, so thanks for your patience while we build a better web experience for you.
Printing the site
We’ve implemented new functionality to make it easier to print webpages, for those who told us you prefer to read things in print.
New content
We’ve also published a lot of new information to help answer your questions. For example, we've recently published these new pages:
Manage your super
A new hub page to find information about your home and family, including new content about separation and divorce.
Understand our funds and products, including a history of our funds and the differences between defined benefits and accumulation products. New product pages for PSSap & ADF Super can help new and existing customers to understand the benefits of their fund — with pages for our other schemes on the way.
Learn about how your super is taxed, super contributions caps and bring-forward arrangements, or find and combine your super into your account at CSC.
Considering retirement? Understand when you can retire, and learn about the i-Estimator tool for our defined benefits customers.
The web experience for our CSC retirement income customers is undergoing ongoing improvement too.
We’ve used all your comments and suggestions to make these improvements and there will be more to come throughout the year.
Watch this space.
Help us improve
Help us improve our website by participating in our short study (average time to complete: 7 minutes).
Take the survey