CSC Retirement Profiles

Our CSC Retirement Profiles give you options to manage your super savings in retirement

Behind every CSC Retirement Profile sits a CSCri Standard retirement income stream account that is tuned to the characteristics of the profile. Each retirement income solution includes specific investment and income drawdown strategies that balance the needs, characteristics and key objective of the profile. The key objectives include:

CSCri and CSC Retirement Profiles are not currently available to ADF customers. CSC is working with relevant Australian Government departments to enable CSC to offer an account-based pension product such as CSCri to our ADF customers where possible. For more information read our CSC retirement income strategy.

How to choose

  1. Select the tab that matches your relationship status and whether you’re renting or live in your own home (owning your home includes having a mortgage or owning it outright). You’ll see up to five profiles.

  2. Look at the super balances on the profile, then read the summary to narrow your choice.

  3. When you see one that that feels ‘like you’, select View. A summary page will display, which explains more about the profile you picked.

  4. If it looks right for you, forecast your numbers in the PSSap Retirement Modeller for that profile. This will give you a forecast of what your retirement income might look like, your yearly retirement income amount and how long your income might last—you can then apply for a CSCri account that’s tailored to that profile’s characteristics.

  5. For further support call 1300 725 171.

The information we provide about CSC Retirement Profiles is general advice only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should obtain a copy of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and consider its contents before making any decision regarding your super.

I'm single and rent

I'm single and live in my own home

We're a couple and rent

We're a couple and live in our own home

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