person looking at a digital statement on their phone

Your annual statement

Check in on your super and see how it is tracking.

Statements will be available online from early-October for most members.



A guide to your annual statement

Your annual statement shows you how your super went over the financial year. Learn what you can do before yours is ready.



Happy family lying on couch, using laptop

Grow your nest egg

Add extra money to your super

When it comes to your retirement, little things can make a big difference – from what you save, to what you contribute.

Find out more

Our investment performance to 30 June 2023

Our goal is your comfortable retirement.

Find out more

Understand your rate of return

Your personal returns may be different to the investment returns for the fund. We explain why.

Find out more

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about your statement, it may be answered here. Otherwise, give us a call.

Answering your questions

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