CSC’s clearing house, QuickSuper

Looking for an easy way to pay super contributions into PSSap, ADF Super and other super funds?

Sign up to our clearing house for a one-stop service where you can pay super into PSSap and other super funds.1

Why use our clearing house, QuickSuper*?

  • It’s free^
  • It’s simple – just upload and submit your super contribution data, then the clearing house will deduct the right amount from your nominated bank account and send it to the right super funds
  • You’re always supported – we’re just a call away
  • It meets the relevant requirements of the PGPA Act.

Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting is also available through our clearing house, which means there’s just one place you need to go to submit super contributions and STP Pay Event Reporting. Please note that there’s a fee for using this service.

Want to sign up?

As long as PSSap is your default super fund, all you need to do is contact us. We’ll send you the contracts, and once signed and returned to us you’ll be set up in our clearing house.

Get in touch

If you want to sign up or need more information, call us on 1300 338 240 or email

Any financial product advice provided in this document is general advice only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and consider its contents before making any decision regarding this product.

* QuickSuper is issued by the Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714.

1 CSS and PSS super contributions cannot be paid using a clearing house – you must use our Employer Services Online (ESO) portal to submit contribution data for those schemes.

^ Not including Single Touch Payroll reporting services.

Frequently asked questions

How do I add a new user?

You can add a user directly from the QuickSuper clearing house portal. To create a new user, log into the clearing house, then:

  1. Click 'administration' on the main menu
  2. Click 'users'
  3. On the ‘manage users’ page select 'create new user'. This option will only show if you have access to create or edit users. 
  4. Enter the new user’s details on the 'create new user' page. Your new user will use the name you enter in the ‘log in’ field to sign into the clearing house
  5. Assign permissions to the new user by using the checkboxes on the ‘create new user’ page. You can find out more about the permissions by viewing the online help for this page. 
  6. Complete the rest of the page and click 'save'.

    Once you click save, an email will be automatically sent to your new user’s email address with their login details and instructions on how to access the clearing house. 

    Get in touch with us if no one on your team has access to create or edit users and we’ll investigate for you. 

How do I change my password?

Anyone in your team with access to edit users can do this for you directly from the QuickSuper clearing house portal. To reset a user’s password, first log in to the clearing house, then:

  1. Click ‘administration’ on the main menu.
  2. Click ‘users’.
  3. On the ‘manage users’ page select user who needs a new password and click ‘Reset Password’. This option will only show if you have access to create or edit users. 
  4. Click the ‘reset via email’ button to send a temporary password to the email address linked to their account. Alternatively, you can click ‘view temporary password’ to provide it to them directly.
  5. Once you receive the temporary password you should head to the portal and change your password immediately. 
Get in touch with us if no one on your team has access to create or edit users and we’ll investigate for you. 

How do I reactivate a fund membership?

Sometimes an employee might close their PSSap account in error – for example, when transferring money out of their account. Here's what to do if this happens:

You’ll need to deactivate and then reactivate the employee’s account.  We recommend you confirm instructions with the employee before reactivating the fund membership. 

To do this, log into the clearing house and, if you’re a shared service provider or use multiple employer codes, select the correct employer. Then:

  1. Click on the 'employees' tab and then click 'change search'.  
  2. Double check that your search includes ‘active employees’ (in the dropdown box after ‘include’), then enter the employee’s family name or payroll ID and click 'search'.
  3. Select the correct employee. This will take you to the employee’s details page. 
  4. Go to the fund memberships tab, and click 'edit fund membership' on the bottom right corner. 
  5. Untick the box that says 'If unticked, you cannot make contributions for this fund membership', and click save. Then tick the box again, and click save.

    You can now pay contributions to your employee’s fund again.

How do I remove an employment end date?

You can't pay contributions for an employee if they have an employment end date in the system. Here's what that means:

You might need to remove the end date manually. For example, when an employee transfers between employers or finishes one contract and begins another.

To remove an employment end date, log into the clearing house and select the correct employer (if you’re a shared service provider or use multiple employer codes), then:

  1. Click on the 'employees' tab and then click 'change search'.
  2. Double check that your search includes ‘active employees’ (in the dropdown box after ‘include’), then enter the employee’s last name or payroll ID and click 'search'.
  3. Click the correct employee. This will take you to the employee’s details page.
  4. Click 'mark inactive' under the 'employment details' section.
  5. Enter the reason for the change (optional, but recommended), then click 'confirm'. You’ll be returned to the employee details page.
  6. Click 'reinstate employment' under the 'employment details' section (don’t change the employment start date).
  7. Enter the reason for the change (optional, but recommended), then click 'confirm'.

When you return to the employee details page, there should no longer be an employment end date in the employment details section. 

What do I do if funds are returned by the clearing house?

Send us an email at and we'll investigate for you. Please make sure you:

  • include the reference number (this should start with a Q) and the date that you paid the contribution payment. 

Do you have a question about using our clearing house that isn’t addressed? Get in touch by calling 1300 338 240 or emailing so we can help.

What do I do when I get an error message?

The most common error codes that you might see when submitting your file are code 15 and code 35. Here is what they mean:

Code 15 means that the date of birth you’ve entered for your employee doesn’t match the date of birth the clearing house has on file. Make sure that the date of birth on your pay file matches the date of birth recorded in the clearing house and resubmit. If the date of birth we have on file is incorrect please get in touch and we’ll fix it on our end.  

Code 35 means that you have entered the wrong USI (or unique superannuation identifier) for one of your employees. PSSap’s USI is 65127917725001, but if the error relates to an employee who contributes to a different fund , you’ll need to contact that other fund directly. 

Often these errors relate to the formatting of the data that you send us. For example, if your file is exported in short form or as a .csv file, some digits that you enter may not be sent to us. 

You can find information about other errors in the clearing house user guide, or you can contact the Employer Service Desk for more help.

This didn’t answer my question! Where can I get more information? 

You can access the full Quicksuper clearing house user guide here. We also provide support by phone on 1300 338 240 or email at

CSS and PSS contributions

*CSS and PSS super contributions cannot be paid using a clearing house – you must use our Employer Services Online (ESO) portal to submit contribution data for those schemes. Please refer to the CSS/PSS contributions payment guide for further information.

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