
These calculators are designed to assist employers to administer superannuation for your employees. All calculators are in excel format.



AWOTE Calculator

Our AWOTE tool is designed to make salary reviews easier to process and simpler to understand.

We're always here to help.

AWOTE Calculator


Note: Please Contact Us if you’re calculating super salary for a member whose salary reduction occurred before 1 July 2003.


CSS Part time Member Calculator

Determine Ratio Hours for part time members.

PAP Calculator

Calculate amount paid to members in pre-assessment payments when preparing reimbursement claim.

PSS PIP calculator – use until 30 September 2020

Calculate amount paid to members in receipt of PSS PIP when preparing reimbursement claim.

AWOTE Calculator

Maintain salaries for superannuation using AWOTE. Download the latest rates at the press of a button.

CSS part time calculator installation

The CSS part time calculator installation calculator uses a standard Excel add-in to calculate the number of workdays between two dates. To install the add-in:

  • From the Options menu, select Add-Ins...;
  • In the Add-Ins dialog box, tick the Analysis Toolpak box.
  • Click OK.
  • Restart Excel for the changes to take effect.

The part time calculator can now be used. If the Analysis Toolpak is not listed in the Add-Ins dialog box, please contact your IT Help Desk for advice on how to access it.

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AWOTE rates

Use the Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) rates to index superannuation thresholds.

Read the article: AWOTE rates

EPSC rates

EPSC rates allow you to calculate your fortnightly funded employer contributions

Read the article: EPSC rates

MBL rates

The Maximum Benefit Limit (MBL) rate is the limit to which a PSS benefit multiple can grow.

Read the article: MBL rates

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