Additional Death and Invalidity Cover (ADIC)

Additional Death and Invalidity Cover is an arrangement available to contributing members of PSS under age 60.

29 Aug 2024

ADIC provides additional cover on death or Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD), where you may not achieve the maximum coverage that would be available through PSS. ADIC takes into consideration salary increases and percentage changes in contributions, so the cover amount may change after each birthday when a salary review is completed. This may also change the premium amount, meaning it is important that employers understand their obligations.

Premiums are based on your employee’s age in years and the amount of cover they’re eligible for. You don’t need to calculate the amount to pay. We’ll let you know your employee’s premium amount when they’re first approved for ADIC, on each birthday, or if the premium rates otherwise change.

As the employer, your share of the premium counts towards your employee’s concessional contributions cap. The employees share of the premium counts towards their non-concessional cap.

For more information about ADIC, please refer to ADIC or contact the Employer Service Team on 1300 338 240 or at

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