Sending super and contribution data to us

You need to send us super and contribution data each fortnight for our customers. Learn more about our data requirements and the process here.


This information applies to participating employers in CSS, PSS and PSSap. If you’re a non-government employer, please refer to the ATO’s website for more information.

CSS and PSS contributions can’t be submitted through a clearing house. That’s because there’s additional data you need to report to us each fortnight^ in a format we’ve designed especially for those super funds.
You’ll know this format as the SAFFE – SuperStream Alternative File Format Extended.

How to submit CSS and PSS contribution data to us
You must send contribution data for employees in CSS and PSS each fortnight^ through our Employer Services Online (ESO) portal. Learn more about how to use ESO in our ESO user guide. You can request access to ESO using our access request form. Our online access request form is temporarily out of service.

What’s required in the SAFFE
Have a read of our SAFFE data requirements guide and our Contributions payment guide to understand what you need to include in your contribution data.

Contributions for employees in PSSap must be submitted through a clearing house. If your employer default super fund is PSSap, you can register to use our clearing house service, QuickSuper*, for free.
Contributions are submitted using the SuperStream Alternative File Format (SAFF). 

If you use a different clearing house, make sure it can accept contributions in the SAFF format. You should also check that PSSap is set up as a default super fund to allow customer information to flow through to us correctly. You can have more than one default super fund set up.

What’s required in the SAFF
Our SAFF data requirements guide outlines what you need to know about submitting contributions to PSSap. We’ve also answered your most common questions about using our clearing house, QuickSuper, to pay PSSap and other accumulation super contributions.

You can pay ADF Super contributions via a clearing house, just like most other accumulation super funds. You’ll need to include your employee’s ADF Super account number with every transaction so that we can make sure the money is allocated to the correct account.

Your employee doesn’t have to send us a form or nominate you before you can start paying contributions into ADF Super.

Non-ADF employers must make contributions at the Super Guarantee rate, currently 11% of ordinary-time earnings. You can pay at a higher rate if it's required by your enterprise agreement (or similar) or your employee's conditions of payment.

A note on eligibility

To keep an ADF Super account when leaving the ADF, veterans must have served in the permanent forces or as a continuous full-time reservist for at least 12 continuous months. It’s not possible to have contributions paid from the ADF and a non-ADF employer at the same time, so you won’t be able to contribute into ADF Super until your employee has transitioned out of the ADF.

^We also work with a few employers who have to send data to us at a different frequency.
*QuickSuper is issued by the Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714.

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