Joining CSC as a non-Commonwealth or ACT Government employer

Information for businesses outside the Commonwealth or ACT Government

Becoming an 'eligible employer'

If you want to join CSC as an eligible employer, you'll need to approach the Department of Finance's Super Branch. You can find plenty of useful information on their website.


Here's what you need to know before you pay contributions to PSSap or ADF Super for the first time.

Contributing to a PSSap or PSSap Ancillary account

PSSap and PSSap Ancillary accounts can only accept contributions from outside eligible Commonwealth or ACT Government employment when a members has completed at least 12 continuous months of eligible employment.

You must pay contributions to a PSSap or PSSap Ancillary account using a SuperStream compliant method. There’s no restriction for PSSap to receive your contributions – see the ATO’s Super Fund Lookup – but some clearing house providers may not have updated their services to reflect this. You should ask them to remove the restriction on PSSap so you can send us your contributions.

If you have questions please reach out to us.

Contributing to an ADF Super account

ADF Super is an accumulation super fund designed to meet the needs of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members. Since 6 July 2020, eligible veterans have been able to keep contributing to ADF Super when they transition to civilian life.

Starting a new employee Making payments

Making payments

Making payments

Pay contributions through a clearing house, or our employer services online portal.

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