Plan your retirement

At CSC, our goal is your comfortable retirement, and we’re here to provide you with the superannuation products, support and guidance to help you achieve that.

Fund rules differ

Select your fund to view the details

Select fund
  • CSS
  • MilitarySuper
  • PSS
I don't know my scheme
Two men sitting in front of a camper van enjoying a drink

Have you ever wondered what your retirement will look like?

What will you be doing? How much money will you need? It’s never too early to plan for the retirement you’re dreaming of.

Where to start

  • How much super is enough?

    Retirement is as individual as you are. Lifestyle, hobbies, family situation, health and existing assets play a big role in determining how much money you will need. Our short video and tools will help you tackle this important question.

    How much is enough?

  • When can you retire?

    The short answer to this question is: whenever you like! The more important question is: when can you access your super?

    When can you retire?

  • How is your estimated super balance looking?

    Use our interactive retirement modeller to project how long your super may last in retirement.

    PSSap retirement modeller

  • How to maximise your super

    Whether your retirement is years away or just around the corner, extra contributions can really bolster your super.

    Maximising your super

If you're under 55 years old

Watch our videos to learn more about super.

PSSap video resources

Is your investment option the right fit?

Within the PSSap fund, you can choose between Income Focused, Balanced, and Aggressive investment options, as well as a Cash option, which focuses on preserving capital. These options recognise that your appetite, and capacity to take risks, changes over different stages of your working life.

We encourage you to learn more about our different investment options and consider whether you think you are in the right one for your circumstances at our website.

Investment options

If you're under Preservation age

Is your investment option the right fit?

Learn more about your investment options and consider whether you think you are in the right one for your circumstances.

Learn more about Is your investment option the right fit?

Learn more about your super

Watch our videos to learn more about super.

Learn more about Learn more about your super

How will your CSS pension be taxed?

Most CSS pensioners will see a reduction in the tax withheld from their CSS fortnightly pension when they turn 60. It’s important to understand the likely amount of your CSS pension after tax withholding, both before and after you turn 60, to ensure you have full visibility of your income in retirement.

Read more about tax and your CSS pension

Tax and your CSS pension

This factsheet outlines how your CSS pension is taxed.

CSS and your retirement estimate

For an estimate of your retirement benefit, contact us. Find out more about benefit estimates.

So, you're feeling super inspired!

How else can you start getting ready for retirement?

Get access to insightful resources, guidance and information from our 3rd Act Community.

If you're over Preservation age

Want flexibility during, or in the lead up to, your retirement?

As a PSSap member, you may decide to start a transition to retirement (TTR) strategy using Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation retirement income (CSCri).

Or you may want a Standard Retirement Income Stream. This provides flexibility for retirees who would like to receive regular, tax-effective income payments and have access to money to suit their changing needs.

CSCri options


Choosing to take a lump sum

If you’ve permanently retired, or ceased an employment arrangement on or after age 60, you may be able to take all your super in one go, or as several lump sum payments. This is a popular option for those who would like to clear their mortgage, or pay off other large debts.

Learn more about Choosing to take a lump sum

A super benefit to downsizing

Downsizer contributions allow you to sell your primary residence and contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale to your super fund without being subject to contribution eligibility rules.

Learn more about A super benefit to downsizing
So, you're feeling super inspired!

How else can you start getting ready for retirement?

Get access to insightful resources, guidance and information from our 3rd Act Community.

Other things to consider

  • Is income from super taxed after you retire?

    • If you’re 60 or older, no tax is charged on income stream payments or lump sum withdrawals from super.
    • If you’re under 60, and eligible to access your super early, your circumstances may impact the way your payments are taxed.

    Learn more about tax and super at the Australian Taxation Office.

  • You may be eligible for Age Pension

    Retirement isn’t always funded by super alone—you might also be eligible for a full or part Age Pension from Centrelink. There are many things to take into account when it comes to Age Pension, including the way it can interact with your assets, such as super.

    Learn more about eligibility and Age Pension at Services Australia.

Create your best retirement

Retirement Ready

Create your best retirement.

Woman and a girl playing in a field together

Financial advice

Book an appointment with one of our authorised* Financial Planners, and create a plan for the retirement goals you want to live.

Financial planning
*Our authorised Financial Planners are authorised to provide advice by Guideway Financial Services (ABN 46 156 498 538, AFSL 420367.). Guideway is a licensed financial services business providing CSC Financial Planners with support to provide members with specialist advice, education and strategies.

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