Directors and executives

The Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Directors and Executive Team come from a wide range of backgrounds, many like yours. They’re brought together by a commitment to lead CSC towards its vision to be your trusted partner in achieving the retirement outcomes you deserve.

At Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation our primary responsibility is to act in our members’ interests, to protect their retirement outcomes and to ensure that they and their families are in safe hands. Our directors bring diverse and extensive professional experience to CSC to achieve these goals. But above that, they also have a genuine understanding of our members, and are responsible for all aspects of management of the schemes, including the investment strategy and communication to stakeholders.

Our Chair is independent and all directors are appointed by the Minister for Finance. Some directors are nominated by the Australian Council of Trade Unions and/or the Chief of the Defence Force, other directors are appointed in consultation with the Defence Minister.

Mrs Ariane Barker

About Ariane Barker

Ms Melissa Donnelly

About Melissa Donnelly

Mrs Andrea Hall

About Andrea Hall

Mr Alistair Waters

About Alistair Waters

Ms Juliet Brown AM, LLB, FAICD

About Juliet Brown

Ms Jacqueline Hey

About Jacqueline Hey

Rear Admiral Lee John Goddard CSC

About Lee Goddard

Major General David Mulhall DSC, AM, CSC

About David Mulhall
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