Gail's retirement story

“Get a life...NOW! Then, like me, you won't really notice that you've apparently retired” says Gail.

25 Feb 2025

When I announced that I was retiring, a few people were genuinely surprised, even shocked.

"But what are you going to do? I can't imagine retiring."

"But you're too active to retire!" 

And a classic from our receptionist, "But Gail, how much gardening can you do?!"

I just smiled and always responded to the 'you're too active' crowd with, "I'm not retiring from life, I'm retiring from this particular paid job. I'll still be as active as I have always been in all the other aspects of my life and can now take on new challenges that have had to sit on the back burner.”

To those who can’t imagine retirement offering anything beyond gardening, I would say: If you don’t already have a life outside of work, meaning your existence is mostly made up of work, domestic responsibilities, and sleep, then yes, retirement could feel like a black hole.

It’s crucial to find something you enjoy and start living a fuller life now, so you can be a relaxed, happier and more balanced person today, and enjoy a rich and active tomorrow. Before I retired, work took a lot of my time. In the spare moments, I played in a band, attended festivals, walked my dog and socialised. 

Now that I’ve retired, I can enjoy all of that even more. I love to:
Step in as a member of five bands
Help organise music festivals
Take on house renovations
Attend more festivals, for longer
Watch more films
Travel more, for longer
Get back into art
Read more books
Catch up with friends more.

And of course, I can’t forget my dog. He still gets plenty of attention. 

One of the most important things I’ve learned through this transition is to find meaningful activities and build connections before retirement, to avoid a sense of loss later. The key is to take small enjoyable steps today, that will lead to a fulfilling, rich tomorrow. Doing so means that when retirement arrives, you won’t be left searching for something to replace the structure and purpose work once provided. You’ll be living the life you wanted without the 9-5. 



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