27 October 2021


The ‘Your Future, Your Super’ initiative, announced in the 2020–21 Federal Budget, is designed to make it easier for you to both track and maintain your super.


There are 4 key components. Let's break it down for you.
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Your super fund follows you when you change jobs

Also commonly referred to as ‘stapling’, this initiative means the super fund you are with on 1 November 2021, will generally* be the super fund that follows you from job to job.

For most people, the only way you’ll change superfunds is if you choose to sign up to a new super fund.


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Empowering customers

Your Future, Your Super empowers you with the knowledge you need to choose a super fund that suits you. It aims to help you understand how your super works, and assess if it’s working for you. In support of this, we'll continue to ensure you have access to all the required product information, including the product dashboard, to help you understand your super.


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Super funds are held accountable for under performance

As of 1 July 2021, super funds are subject to an annual performance test conducted by Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). If your fund fails the test, the trustee is required to notify you of this. The ATO has also created the YourSuper comparison tool to help you compare MySuper products and choose a super fund that meets your needs.


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Increased transparency and accountability

Super funds are now held to a greater standard of accountability than in the past, and are required to provide operation information ahead of Annual Member Meetings. We've always been transparent with you, providing complete access to our investment performance and annual reports, for both customers and non-customers.


What does this mean for you as a CSC customer?

From 1 November, your PSSap fund will generally* follow you from job to job.

As a PSSap 'stapled' customer, you’ll save on the costs associated with having multiple accounts, whilst maintaining access to the superfund designed for Australian government employees, even if you change jobs.

*If you have more than one super fund as of 1 November 2021, your employer will check with the ATO to determine which fund will be stapled to you. You can also view the details of your stapled fund through your MyGov account. For PSSap customers who work in eligible employment for less than 12 continuous months, you will not be stapled to PSSap if you change jobs.

What do you need to do?

Nothing! Come 1 November 2021, PSSap customers will generally* be able to stay with us even if they change jobs. However, now is the perfect time to do some super admin and get your super sorted.


You benefit from our award-winning investment strategy, a century of experience, and products designed for members just like you.

Read more about Why CSC

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